Thursday, September 30, 2010

IR Book Post

All Quiet on the Western Front

The plot of All Quiet on the Western Front surrounds Paul Baumer, who joins the military shortly after the start of WWI with his friends.
The setting is on the numerous battle fields of the Western Front, during WWI
The characters of the story,(all havent been introduced yet) are, Paul Baumer, Albert Kropp, Haie Westhus, Muller, Stanislaus Katczinsky, and Tjaden.

One of the major themes of the book is the difficulty soldiers have coping with civilian life after dealing with combat situations.

Friday, September 24, 2010

UbD & F. Scott Fitzgerald

The American dream seems to be an important aspect of what we will be studying with the Great Gatsby. How people live their lives and what they do that makes them important to the world around them. Background knowledge that could be useful is from the books we had read last year about the goings on of the south and how it affected the people who lived there and the problems that they encounter while just living normal everyday lives. Learning how to discern details will also be a major part of our studies this year so that when reading novels like The Great Gatsby we can find find the underlying message and adequately analyze the book.

Independent Reading Mp-1

have no chosen a book yet.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

HIlls like White Elephants

Well, it was a very interesting short story. Though i really did not get what point it was attempting to get across, or the message. I got the idea of the hills looking like elephants, however the whole rant about how we can have everything but not have anything did not make much sense to me. It seemed as though the couple was probably having some form of rough patch in their relationship and that they might have been going on the train somewhere. Perhaps there was a much deeper problem rooted into their conversation, or maybe that is over analysis. But I do think that they are having problems in their relationship and that the girl does not want to talk about it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What is your flavor?

The kinds of stories I enjoy reading are often about dystopian societies that have some form of reluctant hero forced to change the course of history. I also enjoy complex cat and mouse stories, where two characters pitted against one another constantly are trying to outdo the other to gain the upper hand in a bad situation. Zombie films and novels are usually at the top of my list when it comes to stories I enjoy. I've always seen the struggle to survive in a world of undead cannibalistic monsters as interesting and enjoyable. Though i do enjoy many zombie stories I am not a fan of when zombie movies do not focus on the actual point which is zombies, where they try to make them more complex than they need to be. If you are going to make a movie about zombies, it had better be about zombies, or its just a bunch of people running around screaming which no person wants to watch for two hours.